Zachary TN01-10059316

Zach is a handsome and intelligent young teen who loves to play outside. He enjoys fishing and sports. Zach is active, inquisitive, most always on the go, with the need to explore and figuring out how things work. He also likes playing board games, making origami, and coloring/drawing. His favorite foods are Mexican dishes, anything spicy and fried seafood.  Zach does well in school and is usually ahead of the class as he works hard and finishes his work quickly.

Zach’s love languages are physical affection and quality time. Fist bumps and high fives are important to him and help encourage him when he’s feeling down. Zach appreciates it when people take time to talk to him about his thoughts and feelings, but he says it also feels good when people just sit with him.

Zach says- “ When  I grow up, I want to be a football player or an Olympic player, but I understand that those are hard to do, so my realistic plan is to be a janitor. I might be clumsy with my growing feet sometimes, but I have really good people skills and so many dreams. I want a caring and loving family. I am working really hard to reach my goals and to be able to have a forever family one day.”