
Zoey is a cute and very intelligent girl who is self-motivated and is willing to learn new things and readily help others. She is insightful for her age and is attuned to others. Zoey greatly enjoys school (and makes excellent grades), she is not very shy, she seems to enjoy trying and doing new things and she enjoys being active in her school and church. Her chief hobbies include reading, camping, swimming, playing with dolls, and playing with her friends. Zoey is a very smart girl who is an “over-achiever” and connects well with other people. She has also been a good caretaker for her brothers and is conscientious. William (“Will”) is a handsome, endearing, cute, little boy who is active and is “all-boy”. He likes to play outdoors with his sister and friends and seems to be always on the go! Will is a friendly child who loves spending time with others, is full of joy and just likes to have fun. He also is very teachable and desires to please others, including his foster parents and his teachers at school. Will enjoys school and tries very hard in the classroom. He does have ADHD and needs structure in order to be successful in school – but he has done very well overall. Some of Will’s favorite things to do are playing ball (all kinds), games, being read to, doing puzzles, and simply playing outside. In most ways, Will is a typical little boy who is inquisitive, smart and full of energy. He interacts readily and easily with both children and adults and is usually “the joy in any room.” Zoey is the middle child of three siblings and she is yearning for a “forever family.” Will is the youngest of the three siblings and he is ready and eager to have a permanent family. Zoey and Will are separated from their oldest brother due to having different needs. They seek to continue having a relationship with their older brother, so they will need to maintain ongoing contact with him. The children suffered from neglect and some physical abuse early in life, and they have been in several foster homes in search of a permanent family. Despite that, Zoey and Will are both well-adjusted, physically healthy and are ready for a family to call their own. Zoey and Will need a “forever family” together, and are legally free for adoption. They need a family who is structured, patient, but nurturing as well. A family that engages in many hands-on learning and physical activities would be ideal. Will feels “safe” when there is structure in the home and with parents who have clear expectations of him.