Tobiaz TN01-93909959

Tobiaz loves music! One can pretty much find Tobiaz listening to music. He likes most music but his favorite is hip hop. He is into playing video games and being on his phone. He likes fixing things and learning about new ways to do so. He is a pleaser but can come across shy when first meeting him.  Tobiaz’s interest are sports, football, drawing, reading, writing and spending time with family and friends. He likes to play video games some but really enjoys hunting, hiking and just being with nature. He also enjoys working on cars, cooking and staying busy. His favorite foods are spicy foods. Tobiaz is described by those who know him best as loving, kind, and bright. He likes to be a part of things. Tobiaz would like to have a mom and a dad or just a single mom. He is in need of a forever home that can be patient and provide structure, but also be flexible to meet his needs. He would benefit from a structure family, who is willing to redirect his behaviors.