Summer TN01-8042682

Summer likes doing artistic activities. This includes making bracelets, drawing, and other creative projects. She enjoys reading and likes to discuss the theme and topics of what she is reading. She likes to take walks and values her alone time.

Summer is very insightful and is able to express her insights. Summer is introspective and is willing to acknowledge and accept her role in problems and learn from her behaviors. According to her foster parents, Summer is “great with younger kids.” Summer does enjoy taking a caretaker role with younger children in the home.

Summer also is very involved with her local church and wishes for a family that is Christian and will support her faith. She will also need a family that is willing to love her where she is and be there for her even when she stumbles.

Summer’s dream for the future is “being happy with who I am.” She acknowledges that this is a work in progress. Summer said it is important for her “to be able to express myself.” She likes to do this through her wardrobe, hair color, etc. This fuels her interest and desire to help others express themselves in the future. Summer believes that it is important for people to be able to express themselves and she wants to be able to help people express themselves. This translates into future interests in cosmetology, styling, skin art, make up artistry, etc. She would also like explore digital arts as she proceeds with her education.