Sidney TN01-7698340

Sidney is a kind and thoughtful young lady who enjoys music and art. Rap music is her favorite. Sidney also enjoys reading and watching movies. Sidney’s dream day would include getting a manicure/pedicure and going out for lunch at a Mexican restaurant. Sidney also likes Italian food and proudly states she is a pretty good cook! Like most teens, Sidney enjoys spending time with her friends, laughing and being silly. Sidney continues to work on her self- confidence and responds well to positive affirmations from her caregivers. Sidney looks forward to doing family activities such as swimming, going to the park and having picnics. She wants a family that is active and fun. She hopes to maybe play on a soccer team or be a cheerleader. Sidney would like to have siblings, preferably either older or younger than her. Sidney can be a great helper/role model. Most importantly, Sidney wants a calm and quiet family. She responds best to folks who are more laid back and less structured. Additionally, Sidney needs an adoptive family that is supportive and understanding of her desire to maintain connections with some members of her biological family.