Phoenix TN01-46239922

Aaliyah is outgoing, incredibly smart, and has a great sense of humor. She loves volleyball and soccer. Aaliyah advocates for herself and makes friends easily. Being around water is soothing and peaceful to her. She loves animals and is quite proud of her ability to train them. Aaliyah likes to listen to music, play games, and is a protective big sister. 

Makazja is an energetic and playful young girl who absolutely loves all things fashion. Glam is her love language. She loves mani-pedis and getting her hair and make-up done. Makazja is bashful at first then incredibly sweet to both people and animals. She loves visiting the zoo and enjoys watching television, coloring, and outings with her foster family and her sisters.

Phoenix is a girlie girl like her big sister. However, it isn’t all frills and lace with this firecracker. She says that she was “born sassy.” She lives to be outside running and doing gymnastics. Phoenix is described by her caregivers as both funny and spunky. She loves playing with others, enjoys being the center of attention, and is very loyal towards her sisters. Phoenix also loves animals and going to a children’s interactive museum. She learns best by jumping right in and learning through exploration and hands-on experience.