Samantha TN01-9418470

Sammy is a creative and imaginative young lady. She enjoys being social but also enjoys one-on-one time with people. She has a good sense of humor and can communicate in a very articulate manner. Sammy is musically talented and loves to sing, dance, write songs, and learn to play instruments. Some of her favorite music genres are rock, indie, and alternative. One of her favorite musical artists is Melanie Martinez. Sammy also enjoys crocheting, coloring, drawing, and voice acting. She has an interest in foreign languages. She especially enjoys role playing games, Manga books, and video games. One of her favorite TV series is Bungo Stray Dogs. She is a big Japanese anime fan. Sammy’s favorite foods include sushi, wasabi, salmon, Subway meatball sandwiches, and well-cooked spaghetti. Sammy is hoping to pursue higher education and currently has an interest in becoming an animation therapist. She loves animals with some of her favorites being quite unique–tardigrades and pink axolotls. Sammy would enjoy a family that is musically minded and supportive of her individuality.