Kaelynn TN01-25250238

Kaelynn is very kind and loving young lady. She likes to meet new people and could easily be described as a hugger. She is a good friend and has a small, but supportive, circle of friends. She is supportive of other youth, and likes to offer her kind heart when they are in need of comfort. Church is important to her and she would love a family that shares in her Christian faith. She loves music and one of her favorite things is to sing, wherever she is. She sings ALL THE TIME. She particularly enjoys singing in her school choir. She enjoys cleaning and is extremely organized. She would love to reorganize your cabinets for you. She also likes to try new things and explore her talents. She prefers to be outdoors when she can, especially when there are other youth to interact with. She also has a lot of crafting hobbies. She likes to color, draw, and recently she has developed an interest in sewing. She likes to read. She wants to go to cosmetology school after high school. She loves to do hair! She also likes all types of animals, big and small. So she would love a family that has pets.