Robert prefers to go by Junior. Junior is very quirky and has a dry sense of humor. He cares deeply about the people in his life that he trusts and feels comfortable with. Junior is thoughtful, observant, self-aware, and reserved. He is strong and able to handle difficult information in a very optimistic manner. For fun, Junior enjoys playing with Legos, watching TV, riding his hover board, collecting Pokémon, and playing video games. He prefers to be inside and do things alone. His favorite genre of music is country music. He also enjoys being able to get words of affirmation from those around him. Some of the things that help Junior handle stress are fidgets, video games, showers, and having his feelings validated/having a listening ear. Junior prefers to take time to get to know people, but once he views them as someone he can trust, he likes to get them gifts. Junior is good at setting boundaries with his friends and staying away from negative influences. He loves animals and is very affectionate towards them.
Jacob is described as a young man who is compassionate, helpful, and giving. He loves eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and chicken nuggets. When Jacob has free time, he likes to play sports, do origami, and play with fidget toys. If he had his choice, he would prefer to be outside playing. Jacob is into the Harry Potter books and movies, video/computer games, and science books. When watching TV, Jacob prefers to watch sports. His favorite sports to watch are football and basketball. His favorite music genres are rap and country. Jacob reports that when he grows up, he wants to be a personal trainer.