
Jose has a very humorous personality, and he loves to make others laugh. He has a compassionate, sensitive nature. He loves to spend time with others, and he understands the importance of taking time to himself when needed. Jose loves being outdoors. He would stay outside all the time if he could. Jose is very active. He loves sports, especially football. Jose also enjoys imaginative play. His hobbies include drawing and writing short stories. He is very intelligent and does very well academically. He strives to maintain an A-B average in school.

Christopher is a very caring and artistic young man. He takes great pride in his academic achievements. He strives to maintain all A’s on his report card. He loves to spend time outside playing with NERF guns and imaginative play. He is very active and loves playing soccer. Christopher takes pride in his appearance, and he always likes to look nice whether her is going out or staying at home. His hobbies include drawing, science experiments, and building different creations.

Andres is a spunky, social butterfly who loves to be surrounded by others. He is very loving and affectionate. Like his brothers, he loves being outdoors. He makes friends easily and have a very outgoing personality. His hobbies include drawing, coloring, and playing with Legos. He also likes to play with dinosaurs and race cars. He loves going to school and does very well academically.