Jacob TN01-8936640

Jacob is caring, loyal, creative, and values family. He is a hard worker and has a great sense of humor. He likes writing/listening to music, running track, bowling, skating, watching movies, swimming, and going to the gym. He also enjoys playing basketball and football. Some of his favorite movies include Major Pain, Walking Tall, Step Up, and Drumline. His favorite music genres include Rap, Modern Country, R & B. He loves animals and would love to have a dog. Jacob enjoys wood working and working with his hands. He has a desire to attend trade school so he can go into construction when he grows up. Jacob has expressed a desire to find a forever family that is active and can support him in reaching his personal goals. He also a desire to remain close to Tennessee but is open to finding a home in a bordering state that w can be support with regular visit with his adult sister and friends here.