Jabari TN01-114488974

Please note: The team is only considering families who live in Tennessee.

Jayceon is described as cheerful and friendly. He loves to help people. He is a good artist; he likes drawing people and things. He loves sports and has been on a baseball team in the past. Jayceon likes riding his scooter, playing outside, and being active. He also enjoys playing video games, dancing, and watching dance videos. Jayceon does really well at school and enjoys learning. His favorite foods is Pop-Tarts. He loves playing with other children.

Jabari is funny and energetic. He loves playing outside, riding his scooter, and being active. He also enjoys playing video games. Jabari enjoys learning and does really well at school. His favorite foods are pizza, Takis, Ramen noodles, and cereal. Jabari loves playing with other children. He is competitive and really likes to win. He won a spelling bee recently, and he was so proud of himself! Jabari likes watching cartoons on television; his favorite show is The Loud House.