Isabella TN01-9232804

Meet Isabella, who is often referred to as Bella. Bella would like for people to know that she is a funny, sweet, and kind young lady. She loves to joke around and be silly. She can be quiet when you first meet her, but when you get to know her she is active and talkative. Bella smiles and laughs a lot. For fun, she likes to play basketball and color. She really likes sports and being active. She loves music, especially pop and rap music. Bella loves animals and wants to be a zoo keeper and a biologist one day. She would love to take more science classes at school. Bella’s favorite books are Dr. Seuss books, and she is working on reading more chapter books. Bella also enjoys puzzles. She said it would be cool if her new family went to church, but if they didn’t it would be okay as long as she can read her Bible. Bella really wants a family to help her learn new things and have new experiences in her life.