Isaac TN01-66574933

Please note: The team is only accepting inquiries from families in Tennessee and North Georgia.

Isaac is a joy to be around. He is happiest with the simplest things in life. Isaac’s happy place is a large yard where he can explore and find as many four-leaf clovers as possible. He absolutely loves to put things between his fingers and twirl them. It doesn’t matter if it is clovers, leaves, ivy, or grass. Like his little brother, Isaac is an outdoor boy. He loves to play in the backyard or at the local playground. He would be happy to just play in the grass all day long. Isaac is affectionate and loving with his trusted people. He is perfectly content to sit close to you and be around the people that he cares about. He likes to be held and picked up. Isaac seeks out positive attention from adults. He yearns to be loved. Isaac also loves it when you sing to him, especially with a soft/gentle tune and a soft voice. Isaac loves to laugh and giggle. In his leisure time, Isaac’s favorite toys are magnet tiles that he can build with and sensory toys. Isaac’s favorite television shows are Wall-E and Paw Patrol. Isaac is resilient, adaptable, and a big helper. He wants nothing more than to be in the middle of what you are doing.

Canaan is a sweetheart. He is such a resilient little boy and a hard worker. One of his biggest strengths is that he is adaptable in new situations. Canaan is fun, loves to play, and he particularly likes to socialize with other kids his age. Something that makes Canaan unique and special is that he does extremely well with other kids in all types of developmental levels. You can count on Canann to be patient, sweet, loving, and kind to individuals who have special needs. If he gets a gift or a sweet treat, Canaan wants to make sure that everyone around him gets one too. Canaan’s best friend in the entire world is his big brother. He is a wonderful brother and does a great job looking out for him. Canaan also likes to form bonds with his trusted adults. When it comes to school, he is extremely sharp and loves academics. This is particularly true when it comes to learning new things. Canaan will actively choose academics instead of playtime experiences. Due to that love of learning, he does very well in school. Canaan loves to play outside. His favorite outdoor activities are riding his tricycle and jumping on the trampoline. When it comes to television, his favorite show is Paw Patrol. Canaan also likes to sing. He loves all kinds of children centered songs and nursery rhymes. His favorite things to do in his leisure time are playing with Legos, drawing, building, stacking, and any type of hands-on action activities. He also likes to go to visit his favorite places like Chuck E Cheese, McDonald’s Play Place, or the local park where he can slide and swing.