Haley TN01-24048013

Haley is a friendly and outgoing young lady who has a fun personality. Haley loves all things girlie. In her free time, she enjoys listening to country music and journaling. She also enjoys wrestling and was on a high school team. In school, Haley is motivated to learn and complete her schoolwork. Haley enjoys going on walks, playing basketball, going to the park, shopping, going on vacations, going out to eat, playing games, watching TV, listening to music, singing, and dancing. She likes spending time with others as well as alone time. She prefers being outdoors over indoors. Haley’s favorite games are Sorry, Monopoly, and Uno. She also likes to play charades and tug of war. She prefers hip-hop, rap, and country music as well as some rock music. Haley would benefit from a loving family that will help guide and support her as she navigates her teenage years.