Grace is an artistic and compassionate young lady. She is a born leader who is very loving and is always concerned about the well-being of others. Grace has a bright, fiery spirit and loves to make others laugh. She is independent and intelligent, and she takes great pride in her academic achievements. Some of Grace’s favorite hobbies include drawing and reading chapter books. She describes herself as an old soul and tells others that she was an “old-fashioned lady” in another life. Grace is excited about finding a forever family for her and her siblings.
Evan is very loving and full of life. He is a helpful young man, and he always wants to help in any way he can. Evan is a social butterfly who loves to be surrounded by others. He is affectionate and cares deeply for his siblings. He loves to ride his bike and roller skate in his free time. Evan makes friends easily and has a very outgoing nature. He loves anything to do with Spiderman. He wants to be a fireman or an astronaut when he grows up. He enjoys attending school and does very well academically.
Grace and Evan are part of a sibling group of three. They have a teenaged sister who does not wish to be photo listed at this time. The team is looking for an adoptive family for all three siblings to be placed together.