Ethan TN01-11451754

than is a bright and helpful young man. He is a great advocate for himself, and he is able to communicate his needs and feelings. Ethan has made a lot of progress with his education, and he is proud of his accomplishments. He participates in a book club. Ethan enjoys sports and playing video games. His favorite sport is football. Ethan likes being outdoors and takes walks when he is feeling anxious or overwhelmed. Ethan also enjoys music and participates in a drum circle. He is musically talented. Ethan is a hands-on learner who likes to build and make things. Those that know Ethan best describe him as creative, funny, and honest. Ethan is not a picky eater, but he doesn’t care for spicy foods. His all-time favorite food is the McChicken sandwich. Ethan wants to have a mom and a dad who are loving, attentive, and understanding. He wants a family that is supportive and can help him reach his future goals.

Please note: Ethan’s team is only considering Tennessee families.