
Brian loves to play games, especially Pokémon. He enjoys being active outdoors riding his bicycle, playing football and going to the park. Brian has leadership skills and enjoys being “in charge.” He likes to build with Legos, incorporating in his army men and action figures. Brian has a curious, intelligent mind and is aware of everything going on around him. He will ask many questions to satisfy his curious mind. Brian’s favorite food is Chinese with the sweet donuts. He believes the sweet donuts are “life changing.” Brian also loves Golden Corral for the buffet. Brian is described as a determined young man. He excels at communication and is not afraid to share what he is thinking with others. Brian would like to ride motorcycles and four-wheelers with his family.
Brilee is sweet, friendly and kind. She is very active and energetic. Brilee prefers to play outside rather than inside. She likes to run, ride bicycles and play at the park. Brilee likes to go for nature walks and being with her friends. When Brilee can’t go outside, she likes to read, color and watch Disney shows. She loves to sing along with the Disney movies and soundtracks. Brilee likes to play dress up and perform her songs. She enjoys going to church and going out to eat with her brother at Chinese restaurants and other buffets. Brilee would like a family that encourages her and will let her have a pet.

Brian and Brilee have a strong sibling bond. They would like a family to share new experiences with them. They would like a family that is active and participates in outdoor activities with them.