Brady TN01-44587951

Brady is a genuinely happy child who smiles almost all of the time! He is gentle and kind. Brady likes to learn new things and meet new people, although he can be somewhat shy upon first meeting new people. He quickly warms up and engages easily. Brady likes to go fishing and metal detecting. His current passion is Fortnite. He loves to talk about all things Fortnite with anyone and everyone. Brady also enjoys playing Minecraft and all of the Sonic the Hedgehog games. Brady enjoys playing outside. He thrives on positive reinforcement and praise. He does well with a consistent routine. He loves telling jokes, playing practical jokes, and any activity where he can make someone laugh. Brady recently discovered that he enjoys reading. He is excited to gain confidence in this endeavor and to read stories aloud. Brady wants to become a police office when he grows up because he wants to help people.