Amelia TN01-104068955

Amelia is a kind person who enjoys being active. Some of her interests include roller skating, gymnastics, and drawing. She is very good at skating. Amelia enjoys playing with her friends and participating in P.E. at school. Amelia expressed that her mother and brothers are the most important things to her. Amelia wants a family that is very nice and likes to spend time with her.

Jacob enjoys playing games by himself and with others. He enjoys playing sports, but not on a team. Jacob is very social and makes friends easily. He enjoys spending time with friends at school. Jacob does well in school and would benefit from a family that will encourage and motivate him to complete his assignments. Jacob says that family and friends are most important to him.

Mathis enjoys making art. He likes to paint, draw, and color. He enjoys playing video games with his brothers. Mathis enjoys the food at school and spending time with his friends. Mathis feels that life, food, drinks, and fun are important. He wants a family that will spend time together and have fun. Mathis feels like his family is very important to him.

Chester enjoys sleeping and playing video games in his free time. He also enjoys writing and has started writing his own book. Chester enjoys playing the baritone in the school band. Chester has the highest grade in Spanish. Chester feels that his friends, family, computer games, and food are the most important things to him. Chester has a long-term goal of becoming a writer or a veterinarian in the future.